Sunday, April 29, 2007

I've Been Discovered!!!

Holy cow. TheLadiesChoice's cover has been blown. For weeks now, my family members and close friends have been bugging me to disclose this super secret blog. However, one friend (you know who you are, tsk, tsk) has been able to penetrate all my defenses and decoys. With my cover blown, I'm now at a loss as to whether to proceed with this blog. I never would have expected it, but the relative anonymity of blogging has given a somewhat exhilirating freedom that I've come to cherish.

I need a couple of days to decide what to do. Choices being:
a) Continue with The Ladies Choice MBA blog but restrain full disclosure
b) Continue with The Ladies Choice MBA blog with full disclosure (just take it strong)
c) Create a new blog....

We'll see what happens next.


Asian Kid A said...

why not continue?

Forrest Gump said...

i think choice a sounds best...a few friends knowing about you isnt harmful at all.

Anonymous said...

So you’ve bern discovered. So what? I say choose B for bravery!

p.s ill bet the person who discovered you didn’t tell any of her friends…and knowing how you feel strongly about anonymity, I’ll bet she really wouldn’t.:)

p.s you can run, but you can never hide! (naughty grin)

TheLC said...

haha i know who you are meredith!