Saturday, July 7, 2007

Until All Are One

TheLadiesChoice must apologize for becoming negligent in my blogging duties. As the endless summer begins to wind down, I've ironically become less and less inclined towards introspection (I just need to finish the online pre-enrollment courses, before I plunge headfirst into prolonged sentimentality - - more on that in a future post).

In truth, I've started to have B-school dreams at night...a sure fire sign that my psyche is already gearing up for the challenge ahead. I'm interchangeably excited as hell and nervous as hell. So, what have I been up to?

1. Watched Transformers the Movie twice (see picture of my personal idol, Optimus Prime in his prime). Though I'm a purist at heart (wore my Decepticon shirt the first time I watched it), I still loved the movie despite the many inconsistencies. TheLC broke out into a classic slow-clap when Prime first came into the scene. I still wish Megatron transformed into a big, bad gun though.

2. Stopped going to the gym regularly. Yeah I know, I should go back and I will. I've made too much of a monetary investment already. I'll pick it up soon.

3. Crashed and burned. TheLC just went for it. I'm not entirely sure if it was a moment of weakness or a singular moment of enlightenment. Yes Stutter, it would not have been appropriate, but sometimes you just got to swing for the fences. Should have just faded away.

4. Went on a shopping frenzy. I spent $1,700 on b-school clothes in 2.5 hours. I guess crashing and burning the day before was not good for my bank account. Nevertheless, I'm almost done with my shopping. I just need dress socks, dressy brown shoes, and a new camera bag.

5. Went on unbelievably surreal adventure and snuck into the house at 5am.


Anonymous said...

what does crash and burn mean? does this involve chicks?

TheLC said...

As with all things truly worthwhile...yes this involves chicks.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy our youth while we still have it!

MBABlogger said...

Congrats! and see ya at K!!
I finally motivated myself to start the pre term courses as well :) Still need to get my shopping done.. lots of stuff to do before I move to US

MBA Dutchie said...

Great to meet another blogger who is attending Kellogg in September! Did we meet at DAK? Drop me a line at mbadutchie - at - blogspot dot com

MBABlogger said...

so far its just the three of us i know :) I dont remember exactly but i think there is one more.. unable to recall his blog address though!

Why is it that kellogg has no current student blogs ? Most other schools have so many bloggers.. and see the day i got in I too stopped blogging :) There is something about kellogg ;-) but I plan to get back to it soon! See all at K!