Sunday, April 29, 2007
I've Been Discovered!!!
I need a couple of days to decide what to do. Choices being:
a) Continue with The Ladies Choice MBA blog but restrain full disclosure
b) Continue with The Ladies Choice MBA blog with full disclosure (just take it strong)
c) Create a new blog....
We'll see what happens next.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
As is usual with TheLadiesChoice, I am struck by seemingly random things. With the massacre at Virginia Tech, I got goosebumps when one of the survivors described how Cho would really get up close and shoot students through their heads 3 or 4 times. Can you imagine that? Can you picture yourself actually going up to a fellow human being and just blowing their brains out at point blank range? Of course shooting people from afar definitely isn't the lesser of two evils, but that vivid description really made me appreciate the term "cold-blooded killer" in a very profound way.
On a different note, I found the Cho family statement very heart wrenching. I think the letter was very sincere and genuine.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Never Refuse An Invitation
I'm not entirely sure why, but I've been repeating this line from the official soundtrack of The Beach (Yes, I know I'm a closet DiCaprio fan. Hey except for the cheesy Titanic, he's had some pretty good movies with a lot of good lines.)
I think this has sort of become my mantra for this long summer before business school. Never refuse an invitation. Never resist the unfamiliar.Now I'm in the best shape of my life (which is not saying much, believe me.) learning to play tennis and going to the gym religiously. More importantly, my liver is in high-school form. The almost daily consumption of alcohol has prepared me for the work hard, party hard days ahead.
Next up: solitary road trips, whale shark watching, a trip to Bangkok, photography trips, and finance classes (TheLadiesChoice is a dork really.)
So fellow class of 2009, just keep your minds open and suck in the experience.
Orbital - Beached Lyrics
Trust meIt's Paradise
This is where the hungry come to feed
For mine is a generation that circles the globe
in search of something we haven't tried before
so never refuse an invitation
never resist the unfamiliar
never fail to be polite
and never outstay your welcome
just keep your mind open
and suck in the experience
and if it hurts
you know what... it's probably worth it
you hope, and you dream
but you never believe that something is going to happen for you
not like it does in the movies
and when it actually does
you expect it to feel different
more visceral
more real
i was waiting for it to hit me
i still believe in paradise
but now at least i know it's not some place you can look for
cause it's not where you go
it's how you feel for a moment in your life
and if you find that moment
it lasts forever
Monday, April 9, 2007
A Uniquely Humbling Experience
It's been a while since I touched base with my roots, but I am deeply grateful that I did. I am truly humbled by the experience. It's a very, very long way from the town of Gawilab to Chicago. A long way from goat's milk, farmers and fishermen to one of the top business schools in world.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
A Rather Rudimentary Attempt at Choosing a Post-MBA Job
Multiplying the weights to the ratings gives the the final table below.
Some caveats: I have absolutely no first-hand knowledge about management consulting and investment banking. The ratings above are a reflection of the impressions I've gotten from people I've talked to, message boards I've read, and of course Hollywood's portrayal of the said professions. A lot of people will have different job-related concerns but these here are my own. The weights I hope are representative of an afternoon's worth of deep soul-searching in front of my office PC at the expense of course of my previous employer, ThePlaceToBe.
For me Compensation is 30%. I have a family to feed, places to see and Ferraris to drive so shoot me.
Work Hours is also a concern; I've never heard anyone who actually enjoys being cooped up in a cube 20 hours a day.
It may come as a surprise, but I hate travel. I hate the anxiety of long lines, delayed flight schedules and I hate flying.
I'll give in to my inner prestige whore and allocate 15% to wow-factor.
Entrance difficulty is also a concern. As an international student with no finance or consulting background I have a gnawing fear of not having a job at graduation due to my lack of prior work experience. My demons keep me company.
Exit strategies to industry are also a concern. Eventually I do want to go back to industry and hopefully be fast tracked to a C-level position. I'm a corporate ladder kind of guy and I can't help it.
The last 15% goes to all the other self-actualization factors that go into job search. Will I fit in? Will I have find meaning in my work? Will I enjoy doing what I do? Basically at the end of the day, I still want to give props to all the values and principles I learned UpOnTheHill.
Looks like it's Investment Banking for me for now. Will let you know TheLadiesChoice's thoughts on this startling development soon.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Asking Alex (about IB)
From Alex Chu:
You won't have trouble getting an IB job out of SchoolXYZ. It's a core school for all the major banks.
Yes, SchoolXYZ doesn't send armies of people into IB, but it's simply because there's less people at SchoolXYZ who are interested in banking.
Here's how IB recruiting works. For the schools that a bank would consider a "core school", they have IB associates assigned as the primary recruiting contact for each core school. Usually, these associates are alums of the school. So the associate who is a SchoolXYZ alum would lead the SchoolXYZ effort, the SchoolABC alum would lead the SchoolABC effort, the SchoolDEF alum would lead the SchoolDEF effort and so on. They will interview most of the candidates from their school, but their primary job is to serve as the liaison between the bank and the school's career center to coordinate company presentations, shrimp cocktails, resume submissions, interview scheduling on campus, etc. However, even though they are primarily administrators/coordinators, they do have a say in who gets hired from their school. And even though SchoolXYZ doesn't send as many folks into banking as say SchoolABC, there's still enough XYZers who end up in IB that you'll have them at every bank.
So don't worry. The IB recruiting thing is set up at SchoolXYZ to make it as easy as possible for you to get the job. They will come to you - they have their presentations early on for 1st years (Oct onwards), some will schedule company visits or "day in the life" kinds of thingys, and then they will coordinate with the career center on resume submissions and interview scheduling on-campus. The banks wouldn't be spending this much effort and resources to send their junior and senior bankers to recruit and interview @ SchoolXYZ if they didn't think it was worth it.
As for your chances, land the summer internship and you'll be fine. Go to the company presentations, schmooze with the bankers who show up there (they'll usually try to bring as many SchoolXYZ alums from MDs down to associates, so they're on your side), submit your resume, and interview well.
And one last thing. Bankers don't care about prior experience or whether you're from New Jersey or Madagascar. They can't afford to. They need an army of people each and every year (it's a high employee turnover industry after all), and most ex-bankers in b-school aren't interested in banking anyhow.
When you go to a top school like SchoolXYZ, keep in mind that the investment banks and consulting firms set themeslves up in a way where both are the easiest jobs to get for students. They need an army of MBAs in good times and bad (the difference is in bad times, they will hire you, then renege on your offer in the summer after you've graduated, or fire you in the following Fall).
The MBA Field Guide (sample essays and more)